Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 1 - Getting Physical

Hump Day - Not what you'd consider to be the time to start a journey to muscle-bound supremacy. Surprisingly,  my first gym session went better than I had hoped. Having recently moved out and due to a lack of funds, coupled with the honeymoon period (where you want to use your new house as much as possible), gym had fallen by the wayside. 

It's been over a month since my last gym session; a month of feeling like all my hard work over the past year was wasting away. Getting back into the old exercises and realising I'm still at the same level as when I left off was a cheeky bonus (If not a little alarming). I'll be honest, I felt myself up a little. A tense here and there.

It's all in the name of Project: Where's the Beef?

The goal is for me, an average young male, to enter a bodybuilding competition in just over three months. Why? Because I want to do something different. It's also probably because I've watched 'Julie & Julia' twice and sat through marathons  of MTV Made and thought where's my chance to do something new.

So since MTV has been lame and not given me a Made coach, I thought I'd take it upon myself to try something outrageous. Sure I'd like any help I can get, but the decision to commit myself to become a bigger man, literally, had to come from within.

There are four simple rules. In part to give structure to the challenge and also because I foresaw my potential for procrastinating.


  1. Dan must attend at least 3 gym sessions a week.
  2. There must be at least two blogs a week.
  3. No performance enhancement drugs (Naturally...)
  4. Cannot go to the gym more than once a day.
If anyone wants to help out, please be my guest. Let's hope the next few months goes swimmingly.

Yours in muscle mass,

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